'From a single PC to a fully networked system'

News & Recent Work

Email not working, all messages lost
Software issue between Android Smartphone and desktop resulted in an empty mailbox with no folders being displayed. The issue was that the computer was looking at MS-Outlook and the Smartphone was looking at Gmail. Issue remedied by running online synchronisation between Outlook.com and Gmail.com. Now both devices show all messages.

Computer starts-up but will not run any programs
Home worker presented with Windows Desktop screen with working mouse, however no buttons or clicks had any effect. Restarting the computer off-line and in safe mode revealed disk errors in system log. Hard drive removed from computer to scan for errors. Test showed slow speed of failing hard drive. System transferred onto new hard drive, in order to save customer data, and reconfigured as primary hard drive. Windows system repaired via partial reload. Computer was fully operational again within 2 hours. 

Computer will not start Windows

Customer report that 'Working from Home' computer would not start-up leaving customer unable to login to work or access critical data. Examination of computer showed a loop of continuous rebooting with disc failing to load operating system. Hard drive removed from computer for diagnosis. Computer system files found to have become corrupt due to lack of system maintenance. MS-Windows system repaired on disc before being reinstalled back into 'Working from Home' computer. After successful restart, disc scanned for errors. No files lost and customer could continue working.
Virus & Internet
Report that home computer had started running very slowly. Analysis showed advertising malware and spyware was tracking every action and preventing removal tools from running.
Hard disc removed and scanned via portable laptop. Rogue files manually removed before reinstalling hard drive back to computer. Anti-virus software installed to protect computer.

Video card & RAM upgrade
Reported problem that games were unable to fun on computer. After checking with game manufacturer, installed video card and RAM were below recommended minimum requirements.
Both the Video card and RAM were upgraded before testing the game as now running successfully.

Wi-Fi signal not strong enough
Customer unable to to work with Laptop in both the main house and the converted shed 100 feet away.
Network Power Devices installed and configured to provide an extend wireless Network to out building. Internet connection now at 100%.

Hard Disc Failure & Data recovery
Emergency call out. Customer working from home. Reported computer failing to start. System tested and hard drive found to have failed.

Fortunately engineer was carrying stock and could replace it  with an SSD drive. Data transferred over from failed drive without errors. Customer up and running in less than 2 hours.

Windows 10 Problem
Customer reported that computer was very slow and would not load programs. Engineer checked system and found corrupt windows system files and Windows Updates failing to install and taking up all available system resources.

Windows system repaired and then Windows updates installed manually. Computer is now working as before, Recommend RAM memory upgrade to help computer to cope with workload.

Website Design

was honoured to be selected by Quainton Windmill Society to design and build the Quainton Windmill Website. A great deal of work was required to retrieve historical photographic materials dating back over 100 years in time.

The windmill society's website is now live and being maintained by our team with regular updates and news articles. Please checkout https://www.quaintonwindmill.org and perhaps see if you can attend one of their Sunday morning opening days. When the wind is favourable, the sales will be turning!


Website Design
was very pleasantly surprised to be selected to develop a website for a Freemason's Lodge. No secrets were disclosed and the site was developed and hosted on our own servers which can be seen here: https://www.arawhaiti.org.nz.

Cloud Computing
FixIT4U was delighted to be selected to provide support services to Consulting Group. This multi-site organisation benefits enormously from our Cloud based implementation.

Android Phone
Mobile phone not synchronising contacts and photographs with computer. Phone found to have conflicting settings from when client changed mobile phone service provider. 10 minutes later all was tested and working well.

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